hellanzb is a Python application designed for *nix environments that retrieves nzb files and fully processes them. The goal being to make getting files from Usenet (e.g.: Giganews Newsgroups) as hands-free as possible. Once fully installed, all thats required is moving an nzb file to the queue directory. The rest; fetching, par-checking, un-raring, etc. is taken care of by hellanzb.
Current Stable :- 0.12
Project Home Page :- http://www.hellanzb.com/trac/
You will want the command line (CLI) versions of the following
rar (or unrar) - rar extraction tool
par2cmdline - par/par2 Parity checker
mac -- Monkey Audio decoding
flac -- Free Lossless Audio Codec decoding
Install Hellanzb in Ubuntu
Preparing Your System
Open a terminal
Install the following packages
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-twisted unrar par2
Now you need to Download the latest version of Hellanzb from here
wget http://www.hellanzb.com/distfiles/hellanzb-0.12.tar.gz
Unpack this using the following command
sudo tar -xzvf hellanzb-0.12.tar.gz
Change the directory with the following command
cd hellanzb-0.12
Run the install script using the following command
python setup.py install
Copy the sample configuration file using the following commnd
sudo cp /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf.sample /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf
Configure Hellanzb settings
sudo vi /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf.sample
Look for defineServer and change the account settings to your usenet account settings.Change the PREFIX dir to:
You can change the other directories to your preference but it is not needed. There are also a lot of other options in the config file, change if needed.
If you want to Run the program use the following command
Download a NZB file and place it in
or whatever directory you choose in the config file.
Finished files will be in
Web Interface for hellanzb
The hellahella web interface is written using a new Python framework called Pylons. A official release of hellahella is not currently available, however the development version is quite stable and is being used extensively on a variety of platforms.
Download and install from here
Hellahella Installation Instructions
Preparing your System
remove python setuptools if you have
apt-get remove python-setuptools python2.4-setuptools
Install subversion package using the following command
sudo apt-get install subversion
Then run the following command until it is successful.
sudo python ez_setup.py -U hellahella==dev
NOTE:If you get GCC errors when ez_setup tries to compile Cheetah, you can install it from packages and run ez_setup.py again using the following commands
sudo apt-get install python-cheetah
sudo python ez_setup.py -U hellahella==dev
hellahella and it's dependancies are installed.
paster make-config hellahella hella.ini
Then edit hella.ini to setup your hellanzb connection info and login information. The defaults correspond to hellanzb.py 's defaults.
Once you've setup hella.ini you are near to the completion of installation
paster setup-app hella.ini
paster serve hella.ini
You now should be able to login to hellahella by opening http://localhost:5000/ in your browser.
Zussaweb is a php based web interface for the hellanzb program. Hellanzb is a fully automated console based usenet binary file retriever. Zussaweb functions as the web interface, featuring queue manipulation, status messages, nzb file uploads and more.
Download and install Zussaweb from here
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