How to Fix broken Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

Ubuntu Development team released ubuntu feisty fawn beta on 23rd March 2007 some of them started upgrading their edgy to feisty .If your feisty broken here is the procedure to fix that.

Boot up with a live cd, or ubuntu CD from a different partition.

Mount your feisty drive somewhere in this example i am mounting on /media/feisty

Create a directiory when do you want to mount

sudo mkdir /media/feisty

Mount your drive using the following command

sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/feisty

(replace /dev/sda2 with name of drive, e.g. hda1 etc.)

chroot into your feisty drive.

sudo chroot /media/feisty su

Update your system via apt as normal. (sudo is not required)

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt-get dist-upgrade

ctrl+d or type "exit" to exit the chroot, then reboot the computer and you should be able to get back into feisty.

Sometimes there will be no Internet connection in the chroot environment.

To correct this, we have to enter the following command

sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /media/feisty/etc/resolv.conf