If you want to disable CTFL-ALT-DEL from shutting down their server use the following procedure.
For Dapper, and earlier Users
1)If you are using Dapper Drake, or before, you will have to edit /etc/inittab with the editor of your choice.
sudo gedit /etc/inittab
2)Now, look for the line that looks like this:
exec /sbin/shutdown -r now "Control-Alt-Delete pressed"
This is what we want to change. delete whole line. Now, its up to you what you want to do. If you want it to just print a message, and then do nothing, enter this
"CTRL+ALT+DEL is disabled!!"
or any other message of your choice.
If you want it to execute a script, change the line to
exec /path/to/your/script.sh
Thats it! Now, you can leave your server in peace, and not have to worry about anyone pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and shutting it down!
For Edgy,Feisty,Gutsy,Hardy Users
In Edgy, you have to edit /etc/event.d/control-alt-delete. Then, just follow the steps in step 2 of Dapper and Earlier.
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