New Sleek Usplash Proposal for Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

Here is New Sleek Usplash Proposal for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn.It is mainly composed of the ubuntu logo and the very nice forum coffee beans,which fill up during boot/shutdown.

Download new usplash image file from here

Unpack it using the following command

tar -xzvf usplash-theme-beans.tar.gz

Copy the file corresponding to your display aspect

sudo cp /usr/lib/usplash

Edit the usplash symlink to point to the new file

sudo ln -sf /etc/alternatives/ /usr/lib/usplash/

Update your boot image

sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)

If you want return to the normal usplash following steps

Edit the usplash symlink to point to the original file:

sudo ln -sf /etc/alternatives/ /usr/lib/usplash/

Update your boot image using the following command

sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)

After Completing the above process you should see the New Usplash as follows