A directory server provides a centralized directory service for your intranet, network, and extranet information. Directory Server integrates with existing systems and acts as a centralized repository for the consolidation of employee, customer, supplier, and partner information. You can extend Directory Server to manage user profiles and preferences, as well as extranet user authentication.

Preparing your system

cd /home/

mkdir fds

cd fds

sudo apt-get install ssh

Download Fedora Directory Server Pre-built rpm

wget -c http://directory.fedoraproject.org/download/fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.FC6.i386.opt.rpm

Installing Alien Package

sudo apt-get install alien

Convert .rpm Package to .deb Package

sudo alien --scripts fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.FC6.i386.opt.rpm

Install Dependencies

wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/pool/main/t/termcap-compat/termcap-compat_1.2.3_i386.deb

wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/pool/main/libc/libc/libc5_5.4.46-15_i386.deb

wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian/pool/main/l/ld.so/ldso_1.9.11-15_i386.deb

sudo dpkg --install ldso_1.9.11-15_i386.deb

sudo dpkg --install libc5_5.4.46-15_i386.deb

sudo dpkg --install termcap-compat_1.2.3_i386.deb

Installing Java Run Time Environment

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin

Installing Apache2-mpm-worker

sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-worker

sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/apache2 /usr/sbin/httpd

Installing .deb package

sudo dpkg -i fedora-ds_1.0.4-2_i386.deb

Creating a user and group for the daemon

sudo groupadd fds

sudo useradd -s /bin/false -g fds fds

Running Fedora-ds Setup Program

sudo /opt/fedora-ds/setup/setup -k

Please select the install mode:
1 - Express - minimal questions
2 - Typical - some customization (default)
3 - Custom - lots of customization
Please select 1, 2, or 3 (default: 2) 1

Hostname to use (default: facility-srv1.it-mgt.com)
Server user ID to use (default: nobody) fds
Server group ID to use (default: nobody) fds

Fedora configuration directory server
administrator ID [admin]:
Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:

sudo cp /opt/fedora-ds/setup/install.inf /opt

sudo chmod 640 /opt/install.inf

sudo pico /opt/install.inf

Add the directive for ApacheRoot at the end of the file
SysUser= root
Port= 16000
ServerAdminID= admin
ServerAdminPwd= dsadmin
ApacheDir= /usr/sbin
ApacheRoot= /usr/lib/apache2

Rerun the setup script with the new ApacheRoot directive

sudo /opt/fedora-ds/setup/setup -s -f /opt/install.inf

You can now use the console. Here is the command to use to start the console:

cd /opt/fedora-ds

./startconsole -u admin -a http://facility-srv1.it-mgt.com:/

Adjusting the admin-server's httpd.conf file

sudo pico /opt/fedora-ds/admin-serv/config/httpd.conf

Comment out the following apache module

#LoadModule log_config_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_log_config.so

Starting the admin-server

sudo /opt/fedora-ds/start-admin

Persistent startup

sudo pico /etc/inti.d/local

#! /bin/sh

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/local

sudo update-rc.d local defaults 80