On-the-fly encryption software which can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mount it as a real disk. It can also encrypt a hard disk partition or storage device, such as USB flash drive. Moreover, TrueCrypt supports plausible deniability.
Preparing your system
You need to install the following packages
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` linux-source-2.6.24 libfuse-dev libgtk2.0-dev
Then create a tmp directory in your home directory
mkdir -p ~/tmp
Now download TrueCrypt source from here
Go to the path where you saved TrueCrypt source and untar the file in your ~/tmp directory
tar -zvxf TrueCrypt\ 5.1a\ Source.tar.gz -C ~/tmp
Now you should download wxAll source code. You can pick it from here
Go to the path where you saved wxAll source and untar the file in your ~/tmp directory
tar -zvxf wxWidgets-2.8.7.tar.gz -C ~/tmp
Now go to your ~/tmp/truecrypt-5.1a-source directory
cd ~/tmp/truecrypt-5.1a-source
and launch this command line
WX_ROOT=~/tmp/wxWidgets-2.8.7 make wxbuild
This will build the ./wxrelease subdirectory in the truecrypt source path. You'll probably will have some warning from the compiler, but you can safely ignore.
Once you have your shell back, launch this command line to compile truecrypt
WX_ROOT=~/tmp/wxWidgets-2.8.7 make
Probably you will get a lot of warning from the compiler, but you can ignore it. They are just warning.
Now go Main directory in TrueCrypt source
cd ~/tmp/truecrypt-5.1a-source/Main
and start truecrypt gui
If everything is ok, you should have now the truecrypt gui running.
Now close you application from the Gnome notification area and copy your just compiled truecrypt binary in you /usr/local/bin directory
sudo cp ~/tmp/truecrypt-5.1a-source/Main/truecrypt /usr/local/bin/
Now you have truecrypt binary in your path so you can run it simply with
Now you can safely remove you working directories
rm -rf ~/tmp/truecrypt-5.1a-source ~/tmp/wxWidgets-2.8.7
Howto Compile and Install TrueCrypt 5.1a on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 11:15 Labels: install TrueCrypt 5.1a on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, TrueCrypt 5.1a on Ubuntu 8.04 LTSHowto install JS3tream and backup to Amazons S3
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 11:01 Labels: install JS3tream and backup to Amazons S3 ubuntuJS3tream was written to provide easy streaming of data to and from Amazons S3 data storage service. JS3tream is NOT a backup solution by itself. But, coupled with tar or zip, JS3tream provides a very powerful backup solution.
Install the Sun JVM using the following command
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin
You will need the zip/unzip utility to extract the JS3tream utility
sudo apt-get install unzip
Go to the JS3tream web site, and download the latest zip file. Extract this file to a directory of your choice. Eg /usr/local/bin
cd /usr/local/bin
unzip js3tream-0.6.2.zip
Test to make sure both java and JS3tream are correctly setup. Start by going to the directory you put JS3tream.
cd /usr/local/bin
Make sure java is correctly installed. I happen to have
sudo java -version
java version "1.5.0_11"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode)
Test that JS3tream can be executed.
sudo java -jar js3tream.jar --help
JS3tream v0.6 - December 17, 2007
Protected under the LGPL
Copyright (c) Shane Powell 2007
At this point JS3tream should be correctly installed. Now, it's simply a matter of following the examples and howtos on the JS3tream web site.
Howto Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL from shutting down in Ubuntu
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 10:47 Labels: Disable CTRL-ALT-DEL from shutting down in UbuntuIf you want to disable CTFL-ALT-DEL from shutting down their server use the following procedure.
For Dapper, and earlier Users
1)If you are using Dapper Drake, or before, you will have to edit /etc/inittab with the editor of your choice.
sudo gedit /etc/inittab
2)Now, look for the line that looks like this:
exec /sbin/shutdown -r now "Control-Alt-Delete pressed"
This is what we want to change. delete whole line. Now, its up to you what you want to do. If you want it to just print a message, and then do nothing, enter this
"CTRL+ALT+DEL is disabled!!"
or any other message of your choice.
If you want it to execute a script, change the line to
exec /path/to/your/script.sh
Thats it! Now, you can leave your server in peace, and not have to worry about anyone pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE, and shutting it down!
For Edgy,Feisty,Gutsy,Hardy Users
In Edgy, you have to edit /etc/event.d/control-alt-delete. Then, just follow the steps in step 2 of Dapper and Earlier.
HOWTO: Install your Canon PIXMA MP130 Printer using the iP1500 Printer Driver
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 13:32 Labels: Canon PIXMA MP130 Printer ubuntuIf you want to install Canon PIXMA MP130 Printer follow this procedure
Add the following to the /etc/apt/sources.list:deb http://mambo.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~takushi/ubuntu ./
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libcnbj-2.5 bjfilter-2.5 pstocanonbj
How to Save Streaming Videos in Mplayer
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 13:29 Labels: Save Streaming Videos in Mplayer1. Copy the url of the streaming video mms://etc... or http://...
2. Open up a terminal.
3. mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile stream_video_name.wmv mms://etc...
4. Wait for the stream dump.
Source from here
Mount .ISO's in Ubuntu Linux The Easy way
Posted by Funniest Pictures at 08:58 Labels: Mount .ISO's in UbuntuI download .iso's all the time, and wanted to be able to mount iso's for winblows games on wine. What this does is map your iso to a filesystem directory. Here is what I did, and here is what you can do as well.
First grab fuseiso
sudo apt-get install fuseiso
Then lets add ourselves to the fuse usergroup
sudo adduser myusename fuse
If you were not in the fuse group you will need to log off, then back in right now.Now lets create ourselves a fuseiso folder to mount our iso
sudo mkdir /media/fuseiso
Now we just grabbed an iso off the net, so lets mount it!
sudo fuseiso myisofile.iso /media/fuseiso
Ok now the iso is mounted and we can use it like its a cd/dvd Nautilus/cd your way to /media/fuseiso and the files from the iso will be mounted readonly.
Source from here